Sessions | GrainEd

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This is the information age. Everyday we come across tons of data and consume a part of it.  A large amount of it is misinformation and propaganda. Some are incorrect. This course is a journey through the philosophical, metaphysical, psychological and sociological contours that impact the process of unmasking the truth. And an attempt to find answers for some pertinent questions:

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Dr Jimmy Mathew

Professor, Amrita Institute , Kochi.

Writer, Blogger, Science communicator.

Founder member, Info Clinic.

Upcoming Sessions

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The truth - thinking towards it, session 1

Jimmy talks about various biases and how it infleunces the thinking process

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The truth - thinking towards it, session 2

Jimmy introduces CRAP, the method to source correct information from Web.


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Sessions History

Course Name Mentor Online/class room Location Language Duration Date Target Audience
The truth – thinking towards it Dr Jimmy Mathew Online English 2 hour 12-Aug-2022 to 19-Aug-2022