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Mentor NameCreated by Hrishikesh M J
12:01 PM, 31-Jul-2021 

Sir diamond is formed in mantle of earth. But maximum distance man have drilled in is around 12 km. Mantle layer of earth starts from 40 km and ends in 2900 km. So how diamond is mined?

Commented by Jins
12:36 PM, 31-Jul-2021 


Good and nice question. 

The answer is to do with volcanic eruptios and this time a very special one called Kimberlite eruption in which through narrow pipe like structures from very deep down eruptions occur. The rocks so formed when they reach out to atmosphere have diamonds in them. We very first found such rocks in Kimberly,  South Africa. And hence the name.  Such volcanic eruptios are rare and Geologists say the last one occured millions of years earlier.