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Commented by Hrishikesh M J
9:05 AM, 06-Jul-2021 

Sir when we cooks dosa one side of dosa, first side which faces to the pan fries more and the other side do not fries that much. Why it is happening?

Hi Hrishikesh, I assume this question related to the Induction cooktop session, but the answer is applicable to all types of stove, the side of dosa which faces the pan is more heated than the other side 'cause heat transfer throughout the thickness of the dosa varies depends upon the thermal conductivity of the dosa flour. However, If you allow for more time you could witness both sides get fried up equally black, you can't notice a difference :-)

Commented by Hrishikesh M J
9:30 AM, 06-Jul-2021 

When we makes bubble and put it in water it will go to a corner. Why it goes to corner? And it goes to nearest corner

Hi! For this question, I wanna do the experiment with bubble and tub of water to come to a conclusion ;-) Lemme give you the scientific explanation later :-)

Good! I'm happy to see a enthusiastic kid like you. Keep it up.